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Detection Makes Life Better for Everyone

There is something about a system that just runs smoothly. This is what you could have with a bicycle detection system that comes with emergency vehicle preemption. Every city or municipality should be begging to have the system installed. The main reason for this is there are no downsides, but there are many upsides that provide benefits to the people in the city. This type of system is one that does not fail very often but will continue to work well for the municipality for many years to come. The benefit of this system is it provides cost savings in the form of time and emissions. It also helps you save lives by helping lower accidents and making things better for law enforcement. All of these benefits combined to give you an extremely effective system that helps everyone.

Bicycle Detection System

Having the ability to detect and bicycles are amazing for municipalities. A bicycle detection system can change the lights to allow bicycles to cross whenever they please. It can also alert drivers to know that they might get into an accident with a person riding a bicycle. It saves the life of that person who is riding a bicycle. It also makes things better for everyone around, since they can be confident that they won’t be getting into any accidents. This type of work is something that should not ever be overstated. Having a competent bicycle rider will make things work even better. All of these things can come together to provide the benefit you are looking for. The big thing that this does is to detect a bicycle rider and give them the ability to change the lights on the fly. When that happens, they don’t have to sit there and wait for a long time.

Emergency Vehicle Preemption

Emergency vehicle preemption is something that every municipality should want. Having the ability to give your vehicles a green light to the target is priceless. Think about how many lives he could save if your firetrucks could get to the accident scene quickly and effectively. You would give them a green light and they would not need to use any other sort of signaling. They could get to safety and all the cars in the way wouldn’t have to get out of it. There are so many other benefits as well. If a house is on fire, you wouldn’t have to worry about everything burning down before the vehicle got there. You could be confident that things will be safe for everyone involved. It is this type of benefit that you can only get from these systems. Every organization should have one because it provides more upsides than downsides.